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Jul 23, 2020, 9 tweets

Sri Mallikarjuna Linga
On Sivaratri,Kartika and Sravana Mondays, large gatherings of devotees worship this temple's deity.
Tarla's royal family used to worship for over hundred years to this lord before it is taken over by the Endowments dept

It is strongly believed that the lord will bless the people and fulfill their desires, promote health and welath in their lives & remove sins.
Legend has it that Pandavas while in exile visited this temple and met Markandeya Maharshi
ఎండలో మల్లికార్జునదు లింగం

who appraised them of the importance of the Ravivalasa shrine. Later, Arjuna did thapasya to this linga.lord Shiva gave dharshan and asked about his desire. Arjuna requested Shiva to keep his name along with his name.Later the linga famous as malikarjuna linga

In Tretayuga, Lord Rama, on his way back to Ayodhya after Ravana's death, took rest on SUMANTHA hills of this forest area of Ravivalasa along with his army and followers. Sushena who was a divine doctor(Vaidya) in the Rama followers, felt happy and wondered on seeing the

Medicinal plants and barks around in this forest but, however, the people were not healthy and were suffering . He wanted to do something good to the people. He expressed his desire to stay on this hill and do Tapasya (Penance) for Lord Shiva. Rama granted permission and

and left for Ayodhya leaving Sushena here. Sushena worshipped Shiva for many years and used to serve the people around with the Medicinal plants. As he was not able to bear the separation of Rama, chanting Rama namam, he died on the Sumantha parvatha.

After some years, Rama sent Hanuman to inquire the whereabouts of SUSHENA. Hanuma came to Ravivalasa hills and found skeleton/dead body of SUSHENA. He thought that SUSHENA was dead and buried the skeleton, after putting some jasmine flowers ମଲ୍ଲୀ ଫୁଲ మల్లె పూవు

and covering with deer skin. Hanuman returned to Ayodhya and told every thing he had done. Rama, after hearing the sad news came to this SUMANCHA HILLS along with laxmana.Hanuman lifted the deer- skin to show the skeleton to Rama and Rama tried to insert his hands to uncover

uncover the buried body of Sushena under the Jasmine flowers, but found the body of Sushena converted to Shiva Linga on his contact in side the heap of Malli (jasmine flowers), instead of body of the SUSHENA.
So lord rama named the heap as mallikeswara

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