Dr Adam Rutherford Profile picture
Back off man, I'm a scientist. President of @Humanists_UK Lecturer in Genetics @UCL Genetics, race, eugenics, history of science, movies, books, cricket, +–=÷×

Jul 26, 2020, 10 tweets

A fun story for Sunday night. Last week I posted a gloriously deranged review by Eran Elhaik of #HowToArgueWithARacist. He’s a scientist now at Lund U whose various businesses in genetic astrology I have previously publicly criticised for being nonsense.

He changed the review several times, deleting various things, such as how scientists fear me! He also called me antisemitic, which I think is libellous. Anyway, I noticed a new 1 star review of #HowToArgueWithARacist on Amazon which use the same language. How odd.

So I looked at FrodoMan’s other reviews. He is not a fan!

And this one, which he also read but didn’t pay for on the same day. Must’ve been a long session in the library!

Oh well. Let’s see what else FrodoMan reviews.

Huh. Who is that by?

Dan Graur. Who by a shocking coincidence was Eran Elhaik’s PhD supervisor!

Graur has previously irately attacked me, and accused me of being racist, though could not defend this when I challenged him, and did not reply when I contacted him directly, instead just deleted the blog post

Anyway, there you go. Hi FrodoMan. Screenshots are a fun thing aren’t they.

Addendum: Genetic astrology is not a real subject btw! It's the term we sometimes use to describe the various forms of commercial direct-to-consumer ancestry tests which make vague or scientifically unsupportable claims.

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