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Jul 26, 2020, 12 tweets

Today’s #Yiakl #SundaySpotlight goes out to Dr. Mohammed Kheir Omer (@mkheirom) in acknowledgement of his invaluable contribution to the fight for justice and the overall enlightenment campaign by consistently providing historical knowledge and archiving #Eritrea|n history.

Dr. @mkheirom grew up in Agordat, Eritrea & joined the Eritrean struggle for independence at a young age. He is an author, activist, bloggers who got his doctorate in Veterinary Science from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. #Eritrea

During the Eritrean struggle Dr. @mkheirom was a member of the central committee of the General Union of Eritrean Students (GUES) that was affiliated to the ELF 1977-1979. #Eritrea

Dr. @mkheirom is the author of “The Dynamics of an Unfinished African Dream: Eritrea: Ancient Times to 1968.” #Eritrea

The book “traces the history of the country [#Eritrea], exploring how ethnicity, religion, geography, colonialism, and other factors have shaped its fate - and what must be done to ensure its people enjoy a brighter future.”

In 2014, Dr. @mkhreim established a digital archive of Eritrean history and politics at hedgait.blogspot.com. Since then, he has been regularly posting rich historical content. #Eritrea

Dr. @mkheirom has published several scientific articles, in international journals, in his field. He has also contributed a number of articles at the Awate forum. All his articles at @awate2 can be found here: awate.com/author/mk/

Dr. @mkheirom is also the co-author of “Asmara: Pictorial Book 1890-193.” This pictorial book takes readers through that journey on how Asmara developed from four villages to a modernist city, with explanatory captions in Italian, English Arabic and Tigrinya. #Eritrea

Dr. @mkheirom is one of the members of G-13 which was made up of Eritrean scholars and professionals who wrote a letter to President Isaias Afwerki in 2001. #Eritrea

The letter called for "national reconciliation, collective leadership, implementation of the ratified constitution, abolishing the “Special Court” and divesting the ruling party from the economic life of #Eritrea.”

Dr. @Mkreihm continues to write on his blog site, hedgait.blogspot.com and has a youtube channel called “Eritrean History Channel.” #Eritrea

Thank You Dr. Mohammed Kheir Omer for your service to your country and continued efforts to archive #Eritrea|n history.

#Eritrea2020 #SundaySpotlight
#Yiak #WeAreComingHome

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