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Jul 27, 2020, 6 tweets

We're declaring today #MarsMonday! In anticipation of our LIVE coverage of the historic @NASAPersevere launch Wednesday and Thursday, let's look at some fascinating facts about the Red Planet's weather...


@NASAPersevere A year on Earth is 365 days, but what about Mars? One year on Mars would be equivalent to 687 Earth days, but 668 "sols" (Mars days)! One sol is about 39 minutes longer than an Earth day.

@NASAPersevere Therefore, seasons on Mars are much longer than ours! Would you rather have 65 extra days of winter, or 85 extra days of summer?

@NASAPersevere Want to live on Mars one day? How would you feel about putting an extra 35 million miles between you and the Sun?

@NASAPersevere Yep, being further from the Sun means having some... not ideal temperatures. How's -198°F for a low? The warmest temp, however, would feel like a nice autumn day!

@NASAPersevere Surface temps below the freezing point of water? We're glad @NASAPersevere is the one making Mars its new home! We'll take our HQ in "Hotlanta" any day.

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