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Yearning is so back ⚰️ #Nosferatu

Jul 27, 2020, 5 tweets

Talk about a glow-up. Here are some of our favorite character "transformations"! Did someone need a Hiro? #Heroes

This is Olivia Benson... and this is her story. ⚖️ [DUN-DUN] #SVU

Is that... Zack and Slater?! Sound the *bell* because these Bayside boys got it goin' on! 🔔 #SavedByTheBell

From the streets to a suit: no one cleans up (a courtroom) like Mike Ross from #Suits. Case closed! 💼

We remember this Braverman as a little boy. 🥺 Looks like Max from #Parenthood is al(most) grown up.

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