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Protecting Your Vote and Delivering Real Results for #ElectionIntegrity

Jul 28, 2020, 8 tweets


. @PILFoundation filed a lawsuit today against @illinoissbe for failing to disclose voter registration records under federal law (Public Interest Legal Foundation v. Sandvoss et. al).

#2020Election #ElectionIntegrity


“Federal law requires transparency in election records,”

@PILFoundation President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr said.


#Illinois @PILFoundation

"Just because someone isn’t engaging in partisan electioneering should not prevent them from ensuring that Illinois’ voter rolls are in order. Illinois’ records must be made available to the public, not just politicians.”

. @PILFoundation initially requested access to Illinois’ federally required statewide voter file and voting histories on October 16, 2019.

#2020Election #ElectionIntegrity

#Illinois @PILFoundation @ElectionLawCtr

On February 21 and after a failed inspection of records, the Foundation provided notice that litigation would commence if voter registration data was not provided as required under federal law.



@PILFoundation seeks relief under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires officials to make voter list maintenance documents like the voter roll itself available for inspection to the general public.


The law also offers a private right to file a lawsuit if denied.

Other federal courts which have confronted the issue have sided in favor of disclosure of public records.

#2020Election #ElectionIntegrity


@PILFoundation lawsuit link:

Lawsuit filed under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act to compel the release of the statewide voter roll and history records held by the Illinois State Board of Elections.

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