Dan Kim, new cat dad Profile picture
He/him. Appa. Former infantry person. Current food/wine person. Equality for all, no exceptions. LFC. Oxford comma. 2 spaces. The Confederates were all traitors

Jul 29, 2020, 18 tweets

I had a bunch of rice left over from last night, so fried rice with chicken & broccoli is coming up later on #CookingForLieutenants.

2. If you’re hoping this turns you into the next Alice Waters or Marie-Antoine Carème, you’re looking at the wrong instructor. I’m just hoping to impart simple at-home recipes because this is what I cook for my kids on my days off.

3. Make a simple omelet with 3 eggs.

3a. Chop it up & set it aside. Note, I’ve got a wet paper towel under my cooking board to prevent it from shifting around on the counter.

4. I had chicken breasts in the fridge. I cut them horizontally to make thin cutlets, seasoned with S & P, then seared them in grapeseed oil. Flip, remove from heat, & set aside. Chop into 1/2” pieces after it cools down.

4a. Your chicken should look like this.

5. Steam your head of broccoli, but cut it smaller than this step from last night’ thread because fried rice is spoon food, not fork food.

5a. To better illustrate what I mean by cut the broccoli small, is what my steamer looked like when the broccoli was done. Still slightly crunchy, because you’ll cook it with the other ingredients shortly.

6. Dice 1 large onion. Sauté the onion in the pot or rondeau you used for the chicken. No need to add oil here, because you should have some fond & rendered fat from the chicken earlier. Dicing onion vids here.

7. Add chicken back into the pot containing the onions, more soy, a dash of sesame oil, & your cold leftover rice. Use a wooden spoon to mix everything together & break the clumps of rice. Reduce heat to medium low.

7a. *** Fried rice works best with cold rice ***
Like the young’uns on Twitter day, I don’t make the rules.

8. Add every other ingredients (egg, chicken, & broccoli) back into the pot. In tonight’s case, I also added 1 can of baby corn that I cut into smaller pieces. Raise heat to medium, have your 11 year old sous-chef mix thoroughly. Taste & season as necessary.

8a. Just in case, get final approval from your 8 year old prep cook (she helped chop the onion) before serving.

9. Being a typical tween Hoover of food, Junior had housed half his bowl within 2 minutes of taking this photo. My hopes for them having leftovers hinge on whether he’ll ask for thirds.

10. Open a bottle of Chardonnay, queue up the cartoon version of “Beauty & the Beast” for your 8 year old beauty for after dinner, & take immense satisfaction from watching them eat as if I hadn’t fed them 6 hours ago.

11. Here endeth the lesson.

Postscript: she asked for seconds & he asked for thirds, which means they’re gonna have to fight over 1 bowl of leftovers.

I took my girl to see a movie after dinner.

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