Michael L. Barnett Profile picture
Associate professor of health policy at @HarvardChanSPH @HarvardHPM @harvardmed studying health care delivery. Primary care physician @BrighamWomens.

Jul 30, 2020, 11 tweets

Tweet thread of my favorite Google Earth photos from lord know how many tabs I have opened in the past two months.

I love the flowing green tendrils in this one. Very dramatic.

Wiggly islands in Kazakhstan


Desolate mountain range in Africa like branching lightning

A remote farm in Australia designed by MC Escher. Probably.

Somewhere extremely geometric and depressing in California

Playful farm circles

Beautiful terraces in China

Violently dramatic river in New Zealand

That's it! I need some non-COVID content in my life, that was my attempt today.

I'd say twice a week I open a browser tab and the photo that pops up from the Google Earth Chrome extension is so arresting that I pause for a second to ponder what I'm looking at. I save them up!

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