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Jersey Girl, seeker and spreader of truth.

Jul 30, 2020, 14 tweets

This letter from New Mexico US Attorney John Anderson to Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

The letter is in response to a letter sent to the US Atty by Albuquerque Deputy City Attorney Samantha Hults and it is glorious!

He systematically debunked the Mayor's/Albuquerque propaganda talking points.

I don't have the letter that Albuquerque sent to DOJ, but here are DOJ's replies.

It sounds like the Mayor was bitching about #OperationLegend, which is an op to reduce crime in violent cities.

US Atty notes that he spoke with the Mayor about it before President Trump even announced this op, so Mayor was fully aware this op was coming.

I wonder if the Albuquerque Mayor also claimed he only heard about this op on Twitter when Trump announced it, like the Mayor of Kansas City claimed. 😂😂

Yep, the Mayor was obviously trying to compare Operation Legend to Portland. The US Attorney told the Mayor what Operation Legend was about in a phone call.

Here is why #OperationLegend was started. So, why are Democrats publicly trashing the DOJ's attempt at reducing violent crime? Especially the type of crime that kills young children.

Albuquerque's crime rate is almost 4 TIMES the national average, which is why Operation Legend is being implemented there.

They had a record number of homicides in 2019.

Police there think crime is getting even worse.

Here's another reason why Operation Legend was started - because of another innocent victim, Jacqueline Vigil, who was murdered in her driveway in Albuquerque.

DOJ also called out Albuqueque for not being able to reduce all the crime on their own.

And why is that? Partly because Albuquerque prosecutors aren't able to keep suspects detained.

Ahh, yes. Here it is. Albuquerque/Hults letter said that the feds were not welcome there and spewed propaganda about being undercover. So, Albuquerque wants criminals to know the feds are after them..

Hoo boy! DOJ also noted that Albuquerque is under a Court Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA) because of excessive use of force by their own police & Albuquerque STILL hasn't fully complied with it!

Albuquerque Police Chief Mike Geier apparently tried to claim that DOJ and President Trump never gave them a $10 Million federal grant for Operation Relentless Pursuit, but............

...DOJ called them out on that, too. 😂

Those funds are part of the COPS program and the US Attorney has been asking Albuquerque to accept those funds FOR SEVERAL MONTHS!

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