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A Quite Interesting Twitter feed from the team behind the BBC TV show QI. https://t.co/1JWvBwO1PN

Jul 30, 2020, 11 tweets

Tonight at 9pm on @BBCTwo there's a brand new episode of QI and it's all about REST & RECREATION! 📺
Starring Sandi, Alan, Stephen K Amos, Susan Calman and Lou Sanders.

But before then it's time for a recreational quiz...


In 2016, the Minnesota state fair llama dressing up contest was won by an alpaca.

87.4% said True and it is True! Congratulations to Max the alpaca on his victory.


Richard Nixon’s chair was 2 inches higher than everyone else’s in the cabinet room.

85.6% said True and... it's True!


Scotland’s first home-grown wine produced in 2014 was described as undrinkable by experts.

68.7% said True but it's False! It was actually 2015.

And finally...


It was illegal to grow cranberries in New York until 2003.

70.8% said True but it's actually False!
It was illegal to grow blackcurrants though.

When we played this quiz with the audience before the recording of tonight's show Andy got every answer right and was crowned the Cleverest Person In The Room. Congratulations Andy!

Don't forget - brand new QI, tonight at 9pm on BBC Two.
See you then!

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