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Jul 31, 2020, 9 tweets

Activities to be permitted in #Unlock3 outside Containment Zones. #IndiaFightsCorona

Here are the activities not permitted in the new guidelines by MHA. #Unlock3 #IndiaFightsCorona

According to the New Guidelines by MHA, Lockdown is limited to Containment Zones. #Unlock3 #IndiaFightsCorona

States to decide on activities outside Containment Zones. #Unlock3 #IndiaFightsCorona

Senior citizens, pregnant women and children below 10 years of age are advised not to step out of home, unless there is a major necessity. #Unlock3 #IndiaFightsCorona

Aarogya Setu App is your shield against Coronavirus during this critical time. Download now!… #Unlock3 #IndiaFightsCorona

Strict implementation of guidelines issued under the Disaster Management Act, 2005 in the guidelines for #Unlock3. #IndiaFightsCorona

Take a look at the Directives issued at the national level should be judiciously followed in #Unlock3. #IndiaFightsCorona

Adherence to certain processes at workplaces can go a long way in keeping the spread of COVID-19 in check. #Unlock3 #IndiaFightsCorona

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