Dr Kat Day (she/her) 🏳‍🌈 🧪🐙 Profile picture
Science & Fiction editor/writer. Chemistry PhD. Writer @TheCrashCourse Organic Chemistry. Assistant Editor @PseudoPod_org. See pinned post for more.

Jul 31, 2020, 9 tweets

I have just found this: “The New SI Metric and Imperial Tables” booklet (no pub. date but I reckon early 1970s based on the decimal currency stuff) and it’s awesome! (Thread)

The morse alphabet! Because you really never know when you might need that.

Rules of divisibility! (Is it just me, or does that sound like a magic system?)

Long division table. Because you might not always have a calculator to hand, you know.

A whole double-page spread on old money. Yes, rest-of-the-world, it really was that brain-meltingly complicated.

The avoirdupois system. No. I didn’t know it was called that, either, but I rather like it.

Decimals as fractions. I mean, that’s just USEFUL. (See calculator comment above.)

Densities and “How to mix ink and paint for various tints”. How could you not love that?

Anyway, kids, before Google this is what people had to use! 😄

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