baufinanciaphaster 👹 Profile picture
残り物には福がある. Trafiquant de l’ésotérique. International Man of Mycterism. Usually couth, sometimes kempt, often gruntled.

Aug 6, 2020, 12 tweets

Dear @realwillmeade,

What is this about?

"Former PM at Goldman Sachs founded $1.4 billion hedge fund."

Are you a former PM at Goldman Sachs who founded a $1.4bn hedge fund?

Or are you a former PM at a Goldman-Sachs-founded $1.4bn hedge fund? If so, which one?

Dear @realwillmeade you do know that when you get quoted and you don't correct the public record, people will think you are lying, because you are not expected to let actual untruths stand.

This article here may simply be sloppy reporting of a tweet but it's out there.

There are others out there too.
This one is also from a tweet. And it misreads your bio.
But you don't really make your bio clear do you. There are people who would read that bio and say at the very least... "gee, he was a former PM at a hedge fund"…

This one takes a slightly different tack but somehow it still gets the facts wrong, doesn't it?…

.@realwillmeade would you consider changing your bio so people don't always get confused?

Hope I got that right. The bio you used in your 2015 "ebook" suggests the RIA was a hedge fund, but people who worked there both before and after Gary's passing say it was no such thing.

By the way... I love the bit about turning $20k into $26 million in 12 years or into $1.2bn in 30yrs in that e-book. I walked away from that e-book with the knowledge that you didn't understand statistics, but that you did know (or your partner knew) how to data-mine.

I see Hertz was a fave then. And as you noted, downside was limited to 100%.

Of the 4 stocks you chose in the e-book, 3 have underperformed the S&P in those 5yrs (HTZ went BK), but AAPL has done OK, which makes up for HTZ and more, but the kicker is the new WFH fave, isn't it.

That basically did little for 4yrs, then popped, got nailed in March, then rallied hard.

If you'd bought that 4-stock portfolio on 31Mar2015 and held it til you sent out that "Sell Everything!!!" tweet, you would have underperformed S&P500 by 24% in 5yrs.

If you'd bought that portfolio 30 Jun 2015, you would have underperformed by 28%. Best case? You were late and bought that portfolio 30Jun2016 and you only underperformed 5%.

I know. I checked. I even checked other possibilities, and a dollar-cost averaging in-price too.

Of course... since your "sell everything" tweet, which doesn't seem to subscribe to your service, all your baskets have done well. The worst performing in-price has outperformed S&P500 by 22.5% in 3mos. S&P itself is +17% since SELL EVERYTHING, so the average is up 45% since then

I could go on but this all started with your bio....

so what say you @realwillmeade?

[if someone wants to post screenshots into his feed, he might read it because he's blocked me, but if you did, he'd block you...]

And also.... Beware of False Profits @realwillmeade

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