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Aug 6, 2020, 6 tweets

here's my latest attempt at baking ancient Roman-style panis quadratus. i used a different, more accurate, recipe this time, using whole wheat flour, fennel, poppyseed, and Italian parsley, and my wild sourdough yeast. it smells *amazing* and tastes great! 🤗

here is the recipe:…
FYI: it doesn't say when to include the parsley. i just incrementally added it during the kneading process.

thanks to @TavolaMed for the recipe and @SeamusBlackley for introducing us. 😃

a few "in process" pics: after kneading and the first rise. kneading was...quite a workout!

divided in two, starting to shape

tied, divisions placed, and ready to bake!

here is the crumb. it is fairly low hydration whole wheat, so it is pretty dense.

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