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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Aug 7, 2020, 6 tweets

Earlier today, @KenyaCOVIDFund Board Members, KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis & @KeEquityBank CEO Dr James Mwangi, donated PPEs to Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, a #COVID19KE Isolation Centre in Nairobi.


Dr James Mwangi, @KeEquityBank CEO, noted the importance of collaboration across all sectors - Working with stakeholders from industry, health & private sector has enabled us to achieve our goal to protect medical personnel in the fight against #COVID19KE


Dr James Mwangi, @KeEquityBank CEO - Due to shocks caused by #COVID19KE we had to come up with our own solutions. Local manufacturers have stepped up to the task, & have ensured that we do not run out of supplies, through the provision of good quality PPEs.


KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - We aim to promote local content whilst maintaining the highest standards of manufacturing. We shall ensure all counties receive PPEs for their medical personnel.


KAM CEO, @wakiaga_phyllis assured stakeholders of a consistent supply of PPEs, saying - Local manufacturers have shown their capacity & potential to be leading suppliers of PPEs. Our goal is to see them supply in the long term to local & international markets.


NMS DG, Maj. Gen. Badi - The private sector has been a critical partner in our efforts to mitigate the spread of #COVID19KE. Today's donation will go a long way in protecting over 3,000 medical personnel in Nairobi.


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