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Aug 8, 2020, 6 tweets

In a desperate, sad attempt to recapture even a moment of normalcy, I have acquired good takeout sushi and will be serving omakase to myself, and then posting it here.

We’ll start with a 2008 base Egly-Ouriet Blanc de Noirs Grand Cru. Easily my fave champagne to decant.

Ahhhh, how long it’s been, I don’t even remember half these names; gone like tears in the rain. First is... Red snapper? Then sea bream and something else I can’t identify. Then a mix of yellowtail and yellowtail belly, and then two sea trouts (my favorite)

Tuna and ikura, and then a break from the monotonous, inevitable march towards entropy that is life: the salmon belly required “cooking” via torch. I must oblige, even if ultimately futile.

Unagi and kaluga caviar. Kaluga isn’t even a traditional gunkan-maki, but the fields of bloated, mangled restaurant corpses have ensured a glut of high-end supplies available at distributors for the survivors to avail themselves of, in their own desperate bids for survival.

Tekka maki is the traditional final course, served to politely inform the customers it is time to pay the bill and leave. But I am at my own house, not a restaurant - a grim memento mori that eventually, we all must pay the bill and leave this mortal coil.

In conclusion, Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all. The end.

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