the vy chapter Profile picture
my blue spring, @TXT_members ♡

Aug 8, 2020, 10 tweets

— #YEONBIN au where
all five of them were looking through moa's tweets and laughing at them. and they landed on a yeonbin delulu post.
soobin started to panic because it was his secret fanacc, and yeonjun didn't seem too happy seeing the tweet.

notes !

» don't break the thread, qrt!
» this is my first au!
» english is not my first language
» crack, fluff, maybe some angst? we'll see :))
» side ships!
» don't be a silent reader
» timestamps dont matter
» ignore hair colors
» slow irregular updates sorry

— profiles »

◎ This au is canon compliant, so

TXT's official account:

— soobin

- mans quite a big acc with interactive af oomfs
- does predictions sometimes, which will happen bc he is soobin
- writes aus 😋
- probably the most delulu yeonbinist

○ priv
- screams about yeonjun 25/8
- laughs at moas being clowns on his fanacc tl
- follows yeonjun's priv but doesn't let yeonjun follow him
- uses their own faces as memes
- priv moots with taehyun, beomgyu and hyuka


- confused 24/7
- has tried to follow back soobin's priv 19839484 times but soobin wont accept his follow request
- gay panics without mentioning names
- "can soobin stop quoting my tweets on his priv"
-priv moots with taehyun, beomgyu and hyuka

— taehyun

- may or may not has a crush on gyu
- rts and likes tweets from taegyu fanaccs
- "wow moas can write things like this" while reading taegyu angst au
- "oomfs on my tl are gay panicking at eachother:/"
- knows soobin's fanacc
- priv moots with soobin, yeonjun and hyuka

— beomgyu

- screams
- is inlove with taehyun
- also reads taegyu aus bc soobin keeps sending him some
- has just discovered ao3 :)
- at this point he wants to make a taegyu stan acc
- priv moots with soobin, yeonjun and hyuka

— hueningkai

- single af 😔
- all he can see on his tl is gay panic
- someone get him out of here
- knows soobin's fanacc
- reads soobin's aus but refuses to read others
- priv moots with all of them <3

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