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Millennials Are Killing Capitalism is an anti-capitalist podcast hosted by @queersocialism and @jaybeware. New logo by @cemicool. Music by @TELEVANGEL_

Aug 10, 2020, 8 tweets

NEW! "No Place To Sit-In" SNCC Veterans Jennifer Lawson and Charlie Cobb On SNCC's Community Organizing In The Rural South During the Civil Rights Movement

In this episode we talk to Jennifer Lawson and Charlie Cobb about the organizing of SNCC and their own experiences and political development through the Black Freedom Movement in the 60's. They touch on Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Kwame Ture & John Lewis ……

They dispel many common misconceptions about what it meant to be a part of an organization like SNCC, the Civil Rights Movement, Nonviolence and Self-Defense, and what they were doing in the rural South. ……

They also give us an idea of the strength of the communities they were in, and the level of organization that already existed, which they tapped into thanks to their connections with Ella Baker and to a long-term commitment to the slow work of organizing ……

We also discuss the internationalism and international dimensions of struggle that were a part of the politics of SNCC organizers. They discuss women's work organizing in the party, and how little of their work in the deep rural south was about protesting ……

For more information on Jennifer Lawson here is her bio on SNCC Digital (an amazing resource/website)…

And here is more on Charlie Cobb, who some of you may also know as the author of This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed…

Also, 2020 is the 60th anniversary of SNCC. Make sure you follow @SNCC60th which is a great resource on here for history and perspectives from SNCC veterans!

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