Alec Muffett Profile picture
everybody deserves good security. see also:

Aug 10, 2020, 7 tweets

I hope that the @RAFBrizeNorton officers in #ZM413 are proud of themselves for being co-opted into harassing refugees mid-channel. #isThisWhatYouSignedUpToDo?


Seems like @BWallaceMP wants to be in on the victimisation process:

It's moved off station:

Just flew over my house at 14000 feet and still howling and noisy. just imagine what it would do to a boat full of refugees at 450 feet. #ZM413

Slightly earlier approach pic, over Farnborough

If anyone wants to pretend that this was a "Search and Rescue" flight, compare:

* the low-altitude orange of the #ZM413 flightpath over the channel, against

* the high-altitude blue of some June 15th SAR operations for a sadly downed F15

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