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Yearning is so back ⚰️ #Nosferatu

Aug 10, 2020, 5 tweets

We've got some great shows coming to the flock! 🦚 (Thread)

Up first: 💥 MACGRUBER!! 💥 He's back in a new original series starring Will Forte (@OrvilleIV). #PeacockTV

.@larrywilmore comes to #PeacockTV in September with a weekly special series that's funny, sometimes serious, potentially awkward and always honest.

Ready for a show that has a charming mix of seriousness, nonsense, and evening gowns? 👗 @ambermruffin has you covered. 😉 The Amber Ruffin Show comes to #PeacockTV this September.

Give it up for #Girls5eva, a new comedy about a '90s girl group staging a comeback. We’ve cast its first member: @SaraBareilles! 🌟 Brought to you by the genius minds of Tina Fey, Robert Carlock and Meredith Scardino. #PeacockTV

We're heading to #RutherfordFalls! A comedy about a small town bordering a Native American reservation and what ensues when the local legend fights the moving of a historical statue. Starring @edhelms, Jana Schmieding, @MichaelGreyeyes, Jesse Leigh & @DustinWMilligan. #PeacockTV

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