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Aug 11, 2020, 38 tweets

Calling that one early for Vandana

She relly say Barataria / Sarria ennoh
Whatever the name...
#samecutass good run doh JW

Ah hundred and FIFTEEN people ain they would for PEA???
I would count that as a win for them.
EBC won’t count it as a win eh...but if PEA could get all he cousins to vote for him...

Gypsy getting ah rinse out down Mayaro.
Ah feel another brother would have made a better run of it than that.

Sin they soul.
Siri. Not tonight ennoh. Not tonite

Not bad for ah #BORNstar eh

Callin that for Paray

Penny crushing it in Arima. How’s that gonna translate for the internal PNM politics?

Naparima wasn’t going nowhere. Calling that for Charles

Anita Haynes switching from the Senate to the Lower House. Calling Tabaquite for UNC

Callin Oropuche West for Tancoo.
These UNC heartland seats are going to schedule so far

Rough ride for Taharqa down Point. Not seeing how he gonna bridge that gap down in the south west

Mayor Vandana picking up some more heat in the battleground Chaguanas East seat.
I callin it for her. Meen seeing PNM coming in there

Syo was always gonna be hard to beat in DMC. Calling that for PNM

Saddam cross 5000 in Barataria / San Juan

Camille Robinson Regis closed out hard. As expected. Arouca Maloney going PNM

Cumuto Manzan declares officially for UNC


If Abdullah get less than PEA dah go be scandal.
None ah dem gettin back they deposit eh...but in the #ThirdForce debate, dem kindah ting matters
David Lee crushing it in Poite-a-Pierre doh. Oil country. Not cane country. Take notes

Moruga / Tableland UNC double up on Gypsy
Michelle Benjamin has more now that they had in 2010.
Looking like Gypsy sink that battleship seat

That really close in Toco!!!

Marsha was always gonna struggle against Doc

Toooooo close to call in Toco!!!
Neck and neck

allyuh realize that PEP is the #ThirdForce in this politics?????

Seecharan wins Caroni East.

Yuh can start mopping out and putting records back in the crates...#partydone down Moruga / Tableland

Stuart back inside

Bamsie winking down Sando West!

My hometown going according to the plot. Laventille East / Morvant 5000+ for the PNM incumbent Adrian Leonce

Duke keeps his swim trunks dry to swim another day. Roy carries Tobago East for the PNM

the ONLY way there is gonna be any change in Mo-Town is to see REAL work on the ground.
Look at the voter turnout.
Today i went to vote after 4pm and I was voter number 147.
Let's see if the PNM takes us seriously this time around...

La Horquetta Talparo looking close

Faris takes a big jump over Sobers in Sando West with about 6000 votes to count still

Toco looking like PNM from here.

Doc calling it early for the PNM after they crossed the 21 Rubicon. He’s calling it for 22 seats at 10.33pm
Will they get back 23? Let’s stick around and see

there are those who will count 22-19 as a win for the PNM but an L for Doc...
Oh to be a fly on the wall inside Baliser House tonight....

Well that's all folks...thanks for touching base with me on this #ElectionsTT2020 thread...
now it's back to the cricket...

23% voter turnout in Laventille East/Morvant
But people insist this is a PNM garrison...?
Nah...nobody wants to invest in the constituency and the people are too jaded and apathetic to GAF.
That's what happens after decades of mamaguy starts to concretise...

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