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Aug 13, 2020, 6 tweets

#IncomeTax PM Narendra Modi launches #TransparentTaxation platform, says "Tax system should be seamless, painless, faceless."

"Faceless assessment & taxpayers charter come in force from today, whereas faceless appeal service will be available from September 25,” PM Modi.


#TransparentTaxation| Tax scrutiny has dropped to 0.26% of all returns: PM Modi

#IncomeTax Tax is now zero on the income of up to 5 lakh rupees. The tax has also been reduced in the remaining slabs. We are one of the lowest tax consuming countries in the world in terms of corporate tax," PM Modi.

#IncomeTax "Those who are able to pay tax, but they are not in the tax net yet, they should come forward with self-motivation, this is my request and hope," urges PM Modi.

"#TransparentTaxation platform will ease compliance burden, bring in fair objective," states Union #FinanceMinister, Nirmala Sitharaman.

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