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Aug 14, 2020, 6 tweets

States can adopt practices from each other in reporting deceased data. Only few provide details like age/symptoms.
In this thread we look at the reporting format of 4 states that provide details of deaths. We hope all states take a cue and publish detailed data of deceased.


Tamil Nadu - TN provides a summary of each deceased case including age, gender, date of admission/death, symptoms, co-morbidities, hospital type etc. Even with 100+ daily deaths, TN continues to provide this for each case.
This is part of the daily Covid19 state bulletin.


Karnataka - KA provides a simple yet detailed table with details of deceased persons. Age, gender, symptoms, comorbidities, DoA, DoD are provided for each. This is added as an annex in the daily bulletin.
This is a lucid and easy to generate format that can be adopted.


Chattisgarh - Similar to TN, CG provides a summary write up of each deceased case. It contains details like age, gender, DoA, DoD, co-morbities etc. This is again part of the CG daily bulletin.


Odisha - OR doesn't provide as much details of deceased cases like TN or CG, but does provide information like age, gender, district and comorbidities. This is provided in the tweets put out by the state health department.


✅ 21 states/UTs provide only the total number of deceased. No demographic/other details are published
✅ Dont re-invent the wheel - adopt reporting formats used by other states to put out this information
✅ When states reporting 100+ daily deaths can do it, others can as well!

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