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Aug 14, 2020, 10 tweets

Nicola Tesla believed that he was communicating with the planets, particularly Mars.

His use of dams/Niagara Falls is reminiscent of Atlantean technology which also used water for inter-dimensional communication.


Tesla, Elon, Atlantis and Mars.

Also fascinating, he believed that Mars was accessed through the Earth first, this is consistent with esoteric literature as each planetary sphere overlaps the earth and thus the earth's particular archetypal consciousness & place in time would need to be the medium for exchange

Cayce & Tesla.

Are the Son's of Belial the Sons of Mars?

Rudolf Steiner on the Mars and its materialist influence and our work towards union/balance of masculine and feminine impulses.

The CIA also had an interest in Mars and invested in Remote viewing sessions finding pyramids, and what appeared to be a dying race of humans.

If we consider Rudolf Steiner's contribution that Mars offered a productive clarifying element to the earth initially & then over time darkened into an overly materialistic, divisive influence, perhaps we should ask: are there people who channel this distorted Mars energy today?

'The Martians' were a group of Hungarian scientists that identified as being from Mars. It seems they felt rather chosen, having fallen from the red planet and all, and formed an influential clique that included the work on the notorious Manhattan project ⚛️.

Being dropped off on earth from the planet Mars in the early 1900's sounds rather strange, however, what about the famous FBI files have suggested that Tesla was from Venus, dropped off in the Balkans?

Very similar stories. Very influential people.…

Although their stories seem very similar at first glance, Tesla's work embodies the Venusian technique of intuition and psychic connection as the source of invention.The Martians, quite appropriately lean heavily into the mind & extrapolating on material constructs in comparison.

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