THE HELLYWOOD REPORTER 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸:5 Profile picture
25yr Veteran Hellywood TV Producer/Director - Now Proudly Excommunicado. My Pronouns are “WE The People” & “USA”.

Aug 14, 2020, 5 tweets

1) The best thing we'll likely see happen soon with the "current guard" of TV is their bankruptcy. They're already morally bankrupt, so financial bankruptcy is the inevitable next step. When a 5 headed TV monster conglomerate runs all of television it's bad news...

2) When a 5-6 Headed TV monster conglomerate ALL answer to the same master, it's absolute hell! Watch from NOW to 2023 as lawsuits completely destroy what we call [The Main Stream Media].…

3) Beyond enslaving producers and cutting their wages, the horrific things the Main Stream Monsters have done will surface. For one, funding terror on US soil? HCQ block? Just 2 of many crimes & coverups. THEY will be held accountable! #MoneyFunnel 👇

4) Notice NO ONE in Hellywood is working right now? Why? Covid? Not so sure! At Covid's start, most of the Hollywood "elitists" called for a strike? They claimed they will not return to work until Trump resigns. Backup Plan? They Are in Trouble!!

5) MSM won't publish that a ton of huge $$$ lawsuits & Class actions have already been served and/or settled. Way more are coming! Class Action Lawsuits is how we beat them! Proving their corruption is too easy.

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