X (Formerly Known As Numbersmuncher) Profile picture
LOL nothing matters

Aug 15, 2020, 5 tweets

The comedy on Twitter has taken a large hit tonight with the loss of Bill Mitchell's account.

Tonight, in honor of Bill's amazing tweets, we remember some of the gems he provided for us. #RIPBillMitchellsAccount

I don't care what anyone says, this might be the greatest thing that Bill Mitchell ever tweeted.

#RIPBillMitchellsAccount #ItsJustMath

That time when Bill Mitchell was downplaying death to reopen the economy sooner during COVID.

#RIPBillMitchellsAccount #ItsJustMath

When Bill Mitchell called Trump a modern day Moses... this is Twitter gold and it lives on in our hearts.


Bill Mitchell might be gone, but his legacy will live on forever.

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