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उधार रखना आदत नहीं, जो देंगे यहाँ, ब्याज सहित वापस कर दूँगा इसलिए सोच समझ कर ज्ञान दें। धर्म - हिंदू, संस्कृति - सनातन, वंश - कायस्थ, वर्ण - वैश्य (वेद अनुसार)

Aug 16, 2020, 11 tweets

Dear @narendramodi sir U have been a torch bearer for us to lead the 'India that is Bharat' to its glory denied since centuries. We boast of big giants like twitter, facebook etc but it all started with scratch and their people made them huge. Why can't we Indians? Onus is on U?

Dear @nto1927 bro as soon as I woke up I just viewed your tweet with youtube link. It was so heart wrenching that it took some time to restore my conciosness. So the first thing first. I liked your video and subscribed your channel on youtube.

Secondly, I posted it where ever possible in my reach.

Telegram Groups with a cumulative count of approx 1104 people across India.

Whatsapp group -

Mere 'Yaaron Ka Mohalla' with 133 people on board across India.

Whatsapp group -

'We Nationalist' with 67 people on board across Delhi.

Whatsapp group -
SM Team group with 23 people on board across Delhi.

Whatsapp group -
'सोशल मीडिया दिल्ली' group with 27 people on board across Delhi.

Whatsapp group -
My Express group with 60 people on board across India.

On my Linkedin with more than 500 people connected across world.

On my whatsapp status with 3580 contacts in phone book.

I don't know how many will join or be inspired but I am trying and will continue my efforts now onwards. Stay strong brother, don't loose hope. The world will start squeaking soon!

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