Alex Kaplan Profile picture
Senior Researcher @mmfa, focusing on social media misinfo/disinfo & online extremism. Statements are mine, not employer's. Send tips to

Aug 17, 2020, 7 tweets

It appears the next part of the coronavirus conspiracy theory video "Plandemic" is coming tomorrow. Question will be if social media platforms are ready this time. The 1st installment earned at least 9 million YouTube views & 16 million FB engagements.…

Zach Vorhies, a QAnon supporter who's also pushed Pizzagate & who helped promote Judy Mikovits originally, has announced he will be in part 2 of "Plandemic."

It appears that Facebook is applying fact-checks for the first "Plandemic" video to the new "Plandemic" video already.

Facebook appears to now be taking down posts linking to the new video.

Facebook is now blocking sharing the link to the new Plandemic video directly.

YouTube is taking down copies of the new Plandemic video, saying it violates its Terms of Service.

TikTok has blocked searches for "Plandemic," which would include the new video.

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