Ramki Profile picture
Once in a while, I tell a twory. Founder, Cartwheel Creative Consultancy

Aug 18, 2020, 6 tweets

Setting out to find a new office space. Wearing a shirt after weeks. Istri, is of course, history.

The first place was an unmitigated disaster. As it always is. A way of the Real Estate Gods telling you that your budget was laughable. It was a good place for arty farty photography though.

The next place was still not where one you could bring your parents to with any degree of pride. Luckily I got something to recuperate.

The next place had a terrace one could step on to. I'm very partial to terraces. And a charming view of a rail yard. Something that would have normally have been a clincher. But the building still failed the proud parent test.

And then we saw the place we liked. It has a sea view from the meeting room. Something all Bombay buildings aspire for and only some achieve. It's a new building. Good lift. Parent test, check. An old friend of the office came to the window to check me out. I hope I passed.

If all goes well, we'd have found our fourth office in 14 years. We too, like many others, debated if we really need an office. And finally decided to downsize. We vacated our bigger office for somebody else to downsize to.
I'll keep you posted. Thank you for all the support.

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