Tolu Ogunlesi, MON Profile picture
Comms, Speechwriting, Poetry, History | Ex-@NigeriaGov | Fellowships: @harvardWCFIA @french_african @RockefellerFdn @NordicAfrica | Judge: @hodlerprize

Aug 19, 2020, 6 tweets

Check this out. Nigeria’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Manager @nsia_nigeria issued this statement in March 2018, announcing the birth of a ~$20m partnership with @Fmohnigeria to deliver 3 medical facilities, in LUTH, AKTH and FMC Umuahia.

All 3 facilities delivered in 2 years. #WeMove

NLCC, Lagos, February 2019

NKDC, Kano, March 2020

NUDC, Umuahia, August 2020

2018: “@nsia_nigeria [investing] to fund the acquisition of a high energy Linear Particle Accelerator (“LINAC”); a low energy LINAC; a Brachytherapy system; a CT simulator; and Construction/upgrading of bunkers for the two LINACs.”…


2018: “The investment will cover design & construction of Medical Diagnostic Centres in Kano & Abia,purchase of radiography equipment incl 1.5T MRI, 160 slice CT, 3 digital X-ray machines, 4 ultrasound machines, supporting software & accessories, IT Equipment & power generation.”

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