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Aug 19, 2020, 13 tweets

1/#IDMedEdCase by Drs. Hayon & @Bacteri_Al

50YOM w/ uncontrolled T2DM p/w RUQ pain x 2d and unintentional weight loss x 3m.

T 101F, HR 123, RUQ TTP w/o peritoneal signs, abd non-distended

WBC 18 (93% PMNs), Hb 8.9, ALP >700, ALT 60, Tbili wnl, Alb 2.7

CT A/P shows:

2/CT most suggestive of pyogenic liver abscesses.

What percentage of patients will also have positive blood cultures?

3/~50% have positive blood cultures 😱

On micro rounds you see the following....


4/What is the causative organism?


K. pneumoniae with (+) string test, indicative of a hypermucoviscous strain (more on this later)

Let's briefly review pyogenic liver abscesses.

6/These host factors ⬆️risk for pyogenic liver abscesses:

🔸Diabetes mellitus
🔸Older age (peak incidence 5th and 6th decades)
🔸Other immunocompromising condition

7/Most commonly involve the right hepatic lobe (>60%)

There are 5 main routes of infection:
🔸Biliary tree (most common)
🔸Portal vein
🔸Hepatic artery
🔸Direct extension
🔸Penetrating trauma

8/Most common presenting sx ➡️fever, abd pain, nausea, vomiting, malaise, weight loss

>70% will have:
♦️Elevated alkaline phosphatase

9/Sensitivity of contrast-enhanced CT ~95% vs 70-90% for ultrasound.

Some management tips:
🔸Source control ➡️ key
🔸Abscesses <5cm may be cured by aspiration or antibiotics alone
🔸Give antibiotics early, IV first➡️ then PO step down

10/Antibiotic therapy should target GI flora:

🦠E. coli and K. pneumoniae (most common)
🦠Enterococci spp
🦠Streptococcus anginosus group + other viridans group strep
🦠Bacteroides spp

20-50% of infections are polymicrobial

11/Back to our patient with hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae (hvKp)…

🔸First described in Taiwan in 1980s
🔸More common in Asia than Europe or US
🔸Causes invasive disease in immunocompetent patients
🔸Mortality up to 35%

12/Metastases from the primary site of hvKp infection is seen in 12-28% of cases.

Eyes, CNS, lungs ➡️most commonly involved.

70% of patients with CNS or eye disease develop long term sequelae.

13/Empiric treatment considerations include:
🔸Local resistance patterns
🔸Site of metastatic disease and antibiotic penetration

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