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Aug 19, 2020, 8 tweets

🚨 We’re partnering with @YouGovAmerica to poll what you, the people, think about a bunch of stuff in the run up to the 2020 election!

More here:

Today’s poll: Electing its first purely celebrity president wasn’t America’s best idea, but now we know it takes nothing more than being famous to become president. So which celebrity would Americans be most likely to vote for in 2020?

There's more when you drill down into the results. Like, which *on-screen* president do Americans want as their next *actual* president?

Taylor vs. Kanye vs. Katy?

What about John vs. Chrissy? ►

Trump is America's first reality TV president. Who do Americans think should be the next?

Brady or Serena? Magic or Peyton? Here's how America's most famed athletes stack up.

Which musician do Americans want as their next president? Country music reigns supreme with Dolly Parton at the top.

To dig deeper into the results, check out:

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