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Aug 22, 2020, 44 tweets

On today's Future of Commander panel, Gavin says that all cards in Collection: Green. have new art and most have homages to legendary creatures. #MTG

There is a non-foil version for all WPN stores and foil version for premium WPN stores.

We're going to see all 8 cards on today's stream.

Worly Tutor, featuring Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, is in Commander Colection: Green. This will be the card's first time in foil. #MTG

Seedborn Muse, with flavor text from Azusa, is in Commander Colection: Green. #MTG

Omnath, Locus of Mana, is in Commander Colection: Green. #MTG

Freyalise, Llanowawr's Fury is in Commander Colection: Green. #MTG

Bane of Progress is in Commander Colection: Green. This is the card's first time in foil #MTG

Ari says that finding cards that can be printed for the first time in foil was a key consideration when picking cards for Commander Collection: Green. #MTG

Another version of Command Tower is in Commander Collection: Green. #MTG

It sounds like the other Collections will have color-themed Command Towers. #MTG

Sol Ring is also in Commander Collection: Green. #MTG

Sylvan Library, featuring Reki, the History of Kamigawa, is in Commander Collection: Green. #MTG

Here's the full Commander Collection: Green lineup, including its packaging. #MTG

Now, we're on to talking about White's issues in Commander.

We're going to see several experiments in White card draw over the next few years. Mangara is the first version of this experiment. #MTG

Here's what else Wizards is looking at for White, which will include both changes to the color pie and some other slight adjustments. #MTG

On to Commander Legends! Gavin has been working on it for SIX years. #MTG

Commander Legends will pull from any place and any time. #MTG

It will include new cards but it is not "Commander Horizons." It will have one new mechanic.

Gavin emphasizes that this set is meant for draft above all else.

Each Commander Legends pack will have 20 cards with two legend slots and a foil. #MTG

Draft in pods of 8 (or less).

Take 2 cards for every pick to help form synergies.

You will build 60-card decks in Commander Legends. #MTG

The normal Commander rules apply, except for the singleton rule in deckbuilding. Apparently the set is so large that duplicates will actually be a rare occurrence.

The design team had to solve how to allow players to change colors mid-draft, since Commander's color identity rules would make that difficult.

The decided the Commander Legends will have partners—most of which are mono-colored. #MTG

Sengir, the Dark Baron is in Commander Legends #MTG

There is a second version of Sengir, the Dark Baron with art by Pete Venters! It will be available at preview/prerelease events. #MTG

Halana, Kessig Ranger and Alena, Kessig Trapper are getting cards in Commander Legends! #MTG

Halana and Alena are both uncommons, showing that Commander Legends will include different rarities in their legendary slots. #MTG

In Commander Legends, what happens if you conclude the draft without having drafted a Commander? #MTG

Well, that's what the Prismatic Piper is for. 👀

The Prismatic Piper doesn't take up a legendary slot and shows up as a common in 1 in 6 packs. #MTG

There are 71 brand new legends in Commander Legends. #MTG

There are 41 mono-colored partners (including the colorless Piper).

There are 30 non-partner two or three color legends.

Wizards expects Commander Legends boosters to be more expensive than normal booster products, but less expensive than Masters product boosters. #MTG

Oh yeah, White is getting some new, powerful toys in Commander Legends like Keeper of the Accord. #MTG

Commander Legends will also have "Booster Fun" products. #MTG

They will included extended art versions in Collector Boosters.

All of the legends in Commander Legends will also be getting special showcase treatments. #MTG

32 popular legends from Magic's history—NOT in the Commander Legends set—like Prossh will be available in special boosters with the new frame and "etched foil" treatment, as well.

The "etched foil" treatment looks different than normal foils, so we'll have to see what those actually look like in person. #MTG

The 32 existing legends will only be available as etched foils, but the legends in Commander Legends proper will be available in etched foils in the Collector Boosters. #MTG

Woah woah woah, apparently the 32 reprint legends can appear in draft boosters very occasionally? #MTG

Maybe I'm misinterpreting this, but I think Ari said they could. I'll have to rewatch it.

Gavin makes sure to say that Commander Legends will have some nice downshifts for Pauper players. #MTG

Commander Legends will introduce a lot of new legendary characters. #MTG

Wizards expects the draft and a multiplayer game to take about two hours in total. #MTG

Commander Legends draft decks end up feeling less powerful than preconstructed Commander decks, but there will be plenty of strong synergies that will make their way to constructed Commander decks. #MTG

The other five Battlebond (enemy) dual lands are in Commander Legends! #MTG

Commander Legends releases November 6! #MTG

Commander Collection: Green releases December 4!

Gavin said that the enemy Battlebond dual lands are the only lands in the set. So no enemy fetches. #MTG

To be clear: Gavin, when speaking about the enemy Battlebond duals and land cycles in Commander Legends, said, "You will find five of these here, and just these five, in the set." #MTG

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