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Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation @FMHA_PA

Aug 22, 2020, 5 tweets

HM @Sadiya_farouq was at the handover of three thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine (3,999) tonnes of cereal food items by the President of the @ecowas_cedeao, as part of the #ECOWAS emergency assistance for vulnerable populations affected by the #COVIDー19 Pandemic.

In the wake of the #COVIDー19 Pandemic, His Excellency, President @MBuhari directed the Ministry to carry out various interventions to poor and vulnerable Nigerians, to cushion the effects of the pandemic.

@FMHDSD is coordinating the humanitarian aspect of the national response to the pandemic. The Ministry has distributed over 70,000 metric tonnes of grains including; rice, maize millet, sorghum.

The National Social Register (NSR) contains data of over 2.6 million poor and vulnerable households (with over 11 million individuals) across 34 States and the FCT. With the accelerated registration and rapid expansion, the register, as at June 30 has grown to 3.7 million.

HM @Sadiya_farouq thanked the @ecowas_cedeao for the timely and generous provision of humanitarian assistance for distribution to the vulnerable population impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria.

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