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Aug 23, 2020, 8 tweets

Visiting Dad for his 66th birthday (first time this pandemic bcoz everytime we go to visit Sydney becomes a hotspot). He's a retired public school teacher/consultant who worked in Indigenous education for 30+ years. Anyway inspired by the below, this is our 'Aboriginal house'

Starting with my favourite, the treaty coaster in the toilet 😂

Kangaroo and deer skins in the study

Emu egg in the loungeroom

Flag and feather decorations, of course

Painting by my cousin Kate Oates, with an image of my Nan on the Beemunnel reserve above it

Never forget Croc Fest 2004, where I got up and danced on the stage at the Moree oval

Finally, the man himself, painted up and made into art!! Love this man #Indigenousdads ,"

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