The Lost Words for Cumbria Profile picture
2019-2023. That’ll do. (Thanks everyone!). 2024: Decided I’d leave once the Tories had eaten themselves. Done and Busted. Now off to faff about on Instagrim.

Aug 23, 2020, 8 tweets

This week, everything lined up perfectly.
Spent a day in the Lakes national park without seeing a soul.
Found no litter. Not even a balloon.
Parked for free.

This has never happened, in a decade of living here.
It started with Mark, a young man (seen here in an old book). THREAD

As I packed my kit, an annoyed suit arrived and spoke to two roadside employees at double-espresso-for-breakfast speed. But they'd gone before I set off, so they don't count.

Fell pony views from a northern red-brick path.
A ladder 'hidden in plain sight'? Or an invitation?

Something odd on the map...looked like a hideout for a felltop Bond villain.

Imagine having built the cairn. 50 years ago.
Still looked good. Surprised me, and I the spider.

Lousewort in bloom. Not sure where its name came from.
Sympathetic medicine or a lousy time for beasts?

I'd missed a landmark from Wainwright's sketch.
Assumed it'd maybe fallen down?
Until I turned back for the view...

Always turn back for views.
People who only look down at the path miss all of this.
(Good excuse for a rest too).

I think you've to 'trespass' a bit, to have a closer look.
(There's a really important petition about trespass at the moment, that you really need to sign, for everyone's sake).

Caused no damage or harm.
Had a very nice bilberry though.
Saw an oak locked up for its own safety...

Another of Mark's cairns. I could see the Coast to Coast from here. Heather's one of #thelostwords too.

A bit later, Hugh Laithes pulled a face at me.
Maybe as the bracken was over my head. Followed a tunnel made by a...pony? deer? cow?

I actually stopped mid-stride, said "hello you!" and walked backwards to look at this.

Grass of Parnassus. "Bog-Star". Cumbria's county flower.

I've only seen it once before, when a school pupil called Isaac spotted it, (when I was meant to be showing him around Eycott Hill)...

Got better than that. The rain started less than one minute after I got back in the car.

When I got home I'd been sent a lovely book by an artist I've never met. (Send someone a book. It's a good thing to do).

PS Shap Chippy was closed but you can't have everything, can you..?

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