Michael L. Barnett Profile picture
Associate professor of health policy at @HarvardChanSPH @HarvardHPM @harvardmed studying health care delivery. Primary care physician @BrighamWomens.

Aug 23, 2020, 9 tweets

It's been a depressing news week so is another thread of beautiful pictures from Google Earth to make you happy.

#1: Dramatic angles framing a river in Germany

Pics from Chrome extension: chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…

#2: An amazing city with respect for its neighbor forest in Ecuador

#3: One very scenic cloud in Vietnam

#4: Nice view of the Duomo there

#5 So many peninsulas in Paraguay

#6: The remotest coastline in West Africa?

#7: Colorful transitions in Australia

#8: Beaucoup de bateaux

#9: A very lonely road in Mongolia

Hope you enjoyed. Reply with your favorite pics if you have some.


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