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Pro-America, Constitutionalist, I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion - Alexander the Great

Aug 25, 2020, 20 tweets

DOJ NSD - Thread - The Rotten Core

January 26, 2015: The Buryakov indictment is announced by Holder, John Carlin and Bharara. Carter Page is Male-1 in this case

Over time Male-1 completely disappears from the filings

In Carlin's testimony he is evasive regarding Carter Page, even though he knows him and his role in the Buryakov case

Carlin didn't focus in on the name at that time, ONLY that he was a member of the Trump campaign LOL

Probable cause is the evidentiary standard for FISA Title 1 warrant if the subject is suspected to be an agent of a foreign power

Dumbwell asks what this investigation is really about, what crimes are being contemplated by hacking and dissemination of information. Carlin says FARA and then you look for the money

Remember Carlin was Mueller's Chief of Staff when he was FBI Director

He was responsible for NSA surveillance activities when abuses were occurring, among other key roles

So we know Carlin knows Carter Page from the Buryakov case and we also know he didn't sign the FISA in October 2016. Carlin had officially resigned on September 26, 2016, it was reported on September 27

So why did Carlin resign? I believe this is a big reason, the Carter Page September 25, 2016 letter to Comey. Remember the FARA discussion above, read Page's comments about looking for the money

Carlin couldn't sign that FISA, Page had called out the FBI and DOJ about his work with the intel agencies. Also on Sept. 26, 2016, Carlin filed the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications, in which he failed to report FISA abuses

Intel Community IG Atkinson was at the DOJ under Carlin, during this timeframe. Remember him?

Huber was assigned the FISA abuse investigation by Sessions/Rosenstein, it went no where. It's now rolled up under Durham

After resigning Carlin became a paid consultant for CNBC and ABC news, feeding lies to our corrupt media that were then diseminated to us. He was a direct conduit to the SC. Insidious.

Here is a ABC News article with Brian Ross from Dec. 16, 2016 where Carlin CORRECTLY muses that O'Biden will use Treasury sanctions against Russia. These prompted Kislyak to reach out to Gen. Flynn.

Here in an interview on December 1, 2017 the day of genflynn plea agreement that was rammed through by the SC and Van Grack, who WORKED for Carlin, Carlin smears Flynn saying he was NSA at the time of the call, Rice was

No one really understands what a hero Gen. Flynn really is. He could've thrown Trump under the bus to save his family, his house, his career and his reputation but he held firm

Remember this is the day of Flynn's plea agreement Dec. 1, 2017 and Carlin is telling us exactly what Mueller would and DID do. I've also speculated that part of Rosenstein's Aug. 2, 2017 scope memo was to review Presidential Immunity. Listen closely

Whether Page was persuaded to join, was placed on the campaign or is an innocent victim, it doesn't really matter they used him to spy on the campaign.

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