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#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 Watchlist for Indices, Sectors, ETFs, ETNs, etc.

Aug 25, 2020, 8 tweets

1) Last night, I added the airline sector etf to #PeregineWatchlist again. I already have a stash of free shares aquired from a winning trade in this symbol. I like the threatening bullish breakout here because of looks at individual airline stocks. 6 charts follow:

2) Alaska Airlines, regional carrier out West, is one I own free shares in also from prefious winning trade where I keep gains in underlying shares. This airline is very strict on COVID protocols. Will be layng off some folks next month:

3) American Airlines looks very close to breaking out too like

4) Yesterday, Delta Airlines broke out on the daily chart on their announcment of a furlough of 1900-2000 pilots:

5) Regional airline Hawaiian Holdings looks ready to punch through trendline resistance as well . . .

6) Finally, Southwest Airlines broke out yesterday when they announced the would cut 35,000 flights in October when stimulus money runs out:

7) 2 links with stories that moved the two breakouts yesterday:…

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