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Aug 25, 2020, 7 tweets

THREAD: This morning on #BBCBreakfast we had a Q&A with Education Editor @branwenjeffreys and @DrChrisSmith ahead of pupils returning to school✏️
Eve asked Branwen why she can't wear a mask if she wants to?

On #BBCBreakfast Laura asked @DrChrisSmith: "I've got three children in three different schools, what happens if one is sent home to isolate?"

Hansen asked @branwenjeffreys on #BBCBreakfast: "How can we help our children going back to school in terms of their mental and physical health?"

Noel asked @branwenjeffreys on #BBCBreakfast how pupils can social distance in situations like standing at a bus stop?

One Grandparent asked @DrChrisSmith on #BBCBreakfast if a low risk for children means a low risk for the rest of the family?

On #BBCBreakfast Kay asked @DrChrisSmith: "When our children go back to school and university in the next few weeks, are we at an increased risk?"

Cheryl asked @branwenjeffreys on #BBCBreakfast: "My daughter has special needs and I'm worried about sending her back."

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