Good morning! Headed into #Olema. Residents, please reach out and follow along for #WoodwardFire updates.
Firefighters and @PointReyesNPS rangers meet for a morning briefing on the #WoodwardFire at Bear Valley Visitors Center. Smoke and fog are mingling in the air @sfchronicle
I must say @PointReyesNPS staff are doing a great job at social distancing during this morning’s #WoodwardFire briefing in #Olema @sfchronicle
“It’s never a good look when you’re evacuating base camp”
#WoodwardFire crews will be shifting their incident base camp from Bear Valley Visitors Center to San Geronimo Golf Course in an abundance of caution @sfchronicle
A strange mix of #WoodwardFire smoke and fog. I can’t necessarily see the smoke but I can definitely smell it at Bear Valley Visitors Center. Surreal to think anything can burn with all this moisture @sfchronicle
Forestry fire crews from Medford, Oregon gear up before heading out to the #WoodwardFire line in #Olema @sfchronicle
It’s hard to tell what is #WoodwardFire smoke and what is fog, but it’s all very thick along Limantour Road west of Sky Trailhead. Crews are fighting to hold the fire line about a mile south of the road @sfchronicle
Marin County Fire crews gathering to hike to the northern #WoodwardFire line along Sky Trailhead off of Limantour Road west of #PointReyes Station @sfchronicle
Marin County Fire crews line up to hike one mile up Sky Trail to hold the #WoodwardFire line south of Limantour Road @sfchronicle (sorry for the shaky video I was also taking pictures)
All eyes are pointed west of Bear Valley Visitors Center anticipating a helicopter water drop on the #WoodwardFire’s eastern line. Smoke getting heavy as winds pick up. Can see an active plume from where I stand. Part of the reason incident base is being moved @sfchronicle
Helicopter is not making a water drop on #WoodwardFire, but instead dropping off a crew after attempting to survey the area. Visibility is too bad, so they’ll be landing and waiting for conditions to clear @sfchronicle
Fire crews at Bear Valley Visitors Center talking about brush conditions and plans of attack on the eastern line of #WoodwardFire. The line seems to be right behind this tree line and encroaching @sfchronicle
I’m interested in finding any farmers or locals in the #WoodwardFire vicinity who may be actively preparing their property or animals for last-minute evacuations/defensible space clearing. Please send contacts my way! #PointReyes #Olema #Inverness @sfchronicle
Images from around Bear Valley Visitors Center and Limantour Road near #Olema where crews are battling the 2,736-acre #WoodwardFire @sfchronicle
Heading to Inverness to meet with residents clearing their properties as a precaution as the fire continues to grow.
Checked on mandatory evacuated roads west of Point Reyes Station. No immediate fire threat to:
✅ Fox Drive
✅ Noren Way
✅ Silverhills Road
North #WoodwardFire line still holding 1+ miles south of Limantour Road. East line AT Bear Valley currently of concern. Lots of wind.
This is hands down my favorite mask to wear here on the #WoodwardFire. Surrounded by thick smoke but can’t smell a thing. All the firefighters are unmasked and laughing at me 😂
The #WoodwardFire smoke here is really, really, really strong. There’s a helicopter making a water drop just behind these trees as hand crews make their way to create fire breaks to the valley. You can’t see it, but you can hear it @sfchronicle
Marin County Parks staff are moving up and down Limantour Road chipping tree cuttings to create a #WoodwardFire break north of the road @sfchronicle @marinparks
I’ve reached a #WoodwardFire line exactly 1/4 mile up from Bear Valley trailhead. Crews are creating a backfire and watching as massive trees fall. Slow moving, water being dropped from above @sfchronicle
Crews monitor weakened trees and flares during a back burn along the Bear Valley Trail as the #WoodwardFire burns in the hills west of #Olema #PointReyesStation
Some final images for the day before I head home.
Thanks again for following along, I hope I was able to put some residents at ease and provide useful info on the #WoodwardFire
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While I was leaving, this slightly charred piece of paper floated down and landed in front of me. From what I know, no structures have been damages so I'm curious where this book page came from #WoodwardFire @sfchronicle
More photos from the front lines of the #LNULightningComplex, #SCULightningComplex, #CZULightningComplex, #WalbridgeFire and #WoodwardFire from our @sfchronicle team 📸…
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