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A huge nerd, and friendly neighborhood asshole who dreams to craft worlds into our reality. I also part-time as a degenerate sometimes too.

Aug 25, 2020, 10 tweets

#CJsIdeas: So with Kamen Rider Zero-One coming to an end this week, I've lately had some ideas pop into my head about how I think certain elements/characters could've been-in my opinion-better utalized in the season. Does anyone want to hear them?
#KamenRiderZeroOne #KamenRider

My first & foremost idea was to just have Azu & Ark be the same being. Azu would be th chosen Identity Ark would choose to adapt after being interested in Izu's existence and would secretly create its own "secretary", which would slowly become the Ark's accepted persona.

Next there would be the changing of the Ark's darkness. After the Daybreak Town incident, instead of the Ark just being out of commission, it's still functioning...but it's trapped in its own space. Solitary confinement for accelerated years with nothing but Gai's implanted evil.

Then there's the matter of Ark-Zero. Instead of having them essentially just hopping between the bodies of the Metsuboujinrai members, what if we had it where said members searched for certain singularity Humagears to find the most compatible to serve as their master's vessel?

Then with Jin, I would have him instead have been revived through Zea, who after Aruto killed him their earlier final battle, managed to gain access to his data & brought him back with the secret mission of helping to stop the Ark & save his family of Metsuboujinrai & the world.

I would've had Che.ck-It-Out survived through Horobi coming to his rescue before he's killed by Yua. The reason being that Ark was interested in the Humagear who willingly chose to be a magia. Leading to him becoming a member of Metsuboujinrai & then later, Kamen Rider Ikazuchi.

And then I would change the fate of Metsuboujinrai. Jin would become an enemy after being revealed as Zea's spy & Check would also join him to protect his senpai. Followed later by Naki, who would defect after accepting they truly like humans outside of Gai. Leaving Horobi alone.

This would leave our Horobi to be left contemplating on whether his heart lies with his master or his dear comrades. Culminating in Horobi finally defecting after Jin sacrifices himself to protect Aruto from Ark. Leading to Horobi using the Slashriser & work with Aruto to end Ark

Of course, this would not be the end as now this where Azu would begin targeting Aruto in an attempt to get his mind to resonate with malice/dark emotions so that she can literally download herself into him and create the ultimate being of madness & chaos, Kamen Rider Ark-One.

This all I've come up with for the Metsuboujinrai/Ark side of Kamen Rider Zero-One. So what did you guys think? What ideas did you like and dislike and do you have any questions?

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