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Aug 27, 2020, 6 tweets

Ready for a scavenger hunt? We want to see your modern (or retro) equivalents of these bank holiday essentials from the 1800s.

A sunny day needs frozen treats, and what better than this Mrs Marshall’s ice cream maker? Share a photo if you’ve got one similar hidden away.

How about some jelly for that ice cream? This lion mould would be a roaring success. Let’s see what you’ve got in your cupboard.

Time to think about a picnic, this Japanese nesting box will hold all the essentials. Dig out your best picnic sets to share with us.

Fingers crossed for sunshine, here’s a parasol for some welcome shade. Post a photo of your modern cooling system below.

Best to prepare for rain, a game of cribbage will keep us entertained. Show us your favourite games for when the weather is a washout.

Keep sending us your treasures, we'd love to see them. Your support helps us to care for these antique gems that give us a glimpse into summers gone by.

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