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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Aug 27, 2020, 7 tweets

The increase in consumption of edible oils, an essential commodity, goes hand in hand with population & per capita income growth.


The edible oils sub-sector grew by 2.1% in 2018 (KNBS 2019). The sub-sector has a high potential to boost the manufacturing sector’s contribution to the GDP to 15% by 2022 as envisioned in the #Big4Agenda.


The KAM Edible Oils Sub-Sector was formed in 2011 to resolve the challenges they faced in the importation of raw materials & exportation of finished products. The Sub-Sector has grown into a KSh 100 billion industry, directly employing 800 & 23,000 indirectly.


KAM, led by Chair, @MucaiKunyiha, Lower Eastern Region Chair, Olivier Lavaux and CEO, @wakiaga_phyllis today paid a courtesy call to the Association's new Edible Oil Sub-Sector Chair and Golden Africa Limited General Manager, Eng. Abdulghani Mohamed Al-Wegih.


Golden Africa Kenya Limited manufactures edible oils, vegetable fat, multipurpose laundry bars and washing powder.

The company’s popular brands are Avena, Pika, Saba and Zenta.


Golden Africa Ltd General Manager, Abdulghani Mohamed Al-Wegih - We chose to invest in Kenya because of its suitable location which has enabled us to venture into regional markets. I look forward to growing the sub-sector further & strengthening value chains.


KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - Our key focus as an Association is to grow the manufacturing sector by increasing our competitiveness and productivity so we can expand our export markets.


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