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Aug 27, 2020, 7 tweets

RISING PHOENIX explores the legacy, intensity, and importance of the Paralympic Games. Here are five facts from the doc that are worth knowing and sharing
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The name “Paralympic” describes the movement taking place “in parallel” with the Olympic Games.

On the first Saturday in 2016, more people attended the Paralympic Games than attended the single busiest day of the Olympic Games.

Many Paralympic athletes experience trauma before becoming world-class athletes. @jbalaize survived the Burundi Civil War in 1993. Fourteen years later he won his first world championship in long jump.

High school athletes with disabilities in the U.S. did not have equal access to compete until the Fitness Equity Law was signed in 2016. It’s often called “Tatyana’s Law” because 17-time Paralympic athlete @TatyanaMcFadden first sued for the protection.

Much of the legacy of the Paralympics is owed to Sir Ludwig Guttmann, whose primary goal was to ensure people with disabilities are equal members of all facets of society. In his words, “It occurred to me that it would have been a serious omission not to include sport.”

RISING PHOENIX is now on Netflix globally.

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