Garrett Haake Profile picture
@nbcnews Senior Capitol Hill Correspondent & 2024 campaign chronicler • Taller than I look on TV • Long-suffering @SMU & @DallasCowboys fan

Aug 28, 2020, 8 tweets

I’m on the protest beat outside the White House tonight. Will try to keep this threaded. As of 8:40, there are a few hundred people on BLM plaza, representing several different groups and just themselves. It’s a block party vibe.

Unlike the Late May, early June protests here there is no visible federal law enforcement, just @DCPoliceDept keeping cross-streets closed. The focus is President Trump, not police. It is overall a much much calmer scene.

9:40 update: Lots of different groups around the White House so it’s tricky to keep track. On BLM plaza, one group is spray painting “Defund the Police” on the street. They’re trying to block cameras with signs and bodies.

10:05- along 15th street another huge group is using air-horns, whistles, tambourines and go-go music to be as loud as possible and try to disrupt the Trump speech. It’s basically a big, loud anti-Trump parade. Not sure if any is audible inside the grounds.

I put earplugs in...

And here’s the scene as I’m listening in my other ear to President Trump walking to the mics

The President is still speaking. The crowd here is thinning out substantially. Music still going but people are wandering off.

A crew of about 20 guys on ATV’s just rolled through, popping wheelies. It’s really not a DC event until the ATV’s roll through...

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