Tim O'Brien Profile picture
Senior Executive Editor, @Opinion. Political Analyst, @MSNBC. Priors: New York Times, Wall Street Journal. Author: “TrumpNation.”

Aug 28, 2020, 6 tweets

1/x: Trump will campaign on his ability to resurrect the robust economy he inherited and then helped derail. Ivanka is pitching this now too. #RepublicanConvention

Let’s look at some metrics:

2/x: Has Trump brought back all of the manufacturing jobs he said he would? No.

3/x: Has he reined in the federal deficit like he promised? No.

4/x: Has he turned around the trade deficit that he railed against? No.

5/x: Has Trump resurrected the Rust Belt? No.

6/x: Are most voters happy with all of this? No.

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