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Aug 28, 2020, 5 tweets

We fact-checked President Donald Trump's nomination speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention. bit.ly/34GLt59

This is Mostly False. Biden’s policy platform backs several forms of school choice, including nonprofit charter schools, public magnet schools and choice within school districts. bit.ly/3fI8xDA

False. Multiple independent investigations found no influence by the Obama administration over the FBI investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. bit.ly/3aMUDOS

This is a False interpretation of Biden’s proposal to reinstate an Obama administration rule change related to discrimination in housing. bit.ly/2D2e3To

The $2.5 trillion comes from the total defense budgets for the last four fiscal years. Experts say most weapons are the same as before, and there is more continuity than change in defense policy from President Barack Obama to Trump. Mostly False: bit.ly/2EyK5XO

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