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au account || newbie || gotvelvet & gotpink aus || masterlist linked below

Aug 29, 2020, 48 tweets

♡ NO.1 FAN ♡

Irene as Jackson's No.1 Fan.
Yes, that's it.

A short #Jackrene AU

✔ a taglish au
✔ this is my first au so please bear with me.
✔ sorry if there are any grammatical errors.
✔ timestaps doesn't matter unless stated.
✔ pictures are not mine, credits to their respective owners.
✔ don't reply to this thread, qrt your reactions

Main Characters:

♡ NO.1 FAN 01 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 02 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 03 ♡

Jackson's POV

♡ NO.1 FAN 04 ♡

Jackson's POV

♡ NO.1 FAN 05 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 06 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 07 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 08 ♡

Jackson's POV

♡ NO.1 FAN 09 ♡

Jackson's POV

♡ NO.1 FAN 10 ♡

Jackson's POV

I'm not holding my phone earlier*

♡ NO.1 FAN 11 ♡

Jackson's POV

♡ NO.1 FAN 12 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 13 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 14 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 15 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 16 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 17 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 18 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 19 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 20 ♡

Timestaps matter onwards
(wala lang para rama niyo kung gaano katagal yung araw HAHAHAH)

♡ NO.1 FAN 21 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 22 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 23 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 24 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 25 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 26 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 27 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 28 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 29 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 30 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 31 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 32 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 33 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 34 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 35 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 36 ♡

Narrations ahead. (Please bear with my wrong grammars)

♡ NO.1 FAN 37 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 38 ♡

Ps. Irene started off as a trainee and is in the same company with the sevens and later on quitted (in case lang na malito kayo)

♡ NO.1 FAN 39 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 40 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN 41 ♡

Past forward⏩

♡ NO.1 FAN 42 ♡

♡ NO.1 FAN END ♡

Hi!! You have reached the end. Thank you so much for reading my first AU. I'm just a newbie writer and have a lot of space for improvement. I think this AU will serve as an experience/ practice for me.

Your feedbacks will be highly appreciated for me to improve. Thank you so much!!

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