🔥Potluck Lauren🔥 Profile picture
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” -Matt 10:34

Aug 29, 2020, 11 tweets

Introduced my kids to the 1992 movie Beethoven (the dog) and decided to look up the cast... big mistake. Turns out we are all mortal and actively dying. Remember George Newton? The dad?

This. Is. Him. Now.

Sweet little Emily?

A grown woman 😰😰😰

Mrs. Newton who I was sure was over 50 when I was a kid watching this but now I see clearly she’s barely pushing 30?

Aging ridiculously well tho tbh. I’m not mad at it.

Ryce? The girl with the weird name who always got the cute boy even tho 90s fashion did everything in its power to make women look like trash bags?

An actual babe. #glowup

Little Ted the nerd?

Amazing what a pair of contacts will do.

In conclusion and in summary, we are all terribly old. Hug your kids. They’re going off to college tomorrow and then you’re a great great grandparent and then you’re dead. Hope this helps! Night all! 😂😘

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